Τρίτη 3 Μαΐου 2011

A Japanese Smoking Pegasus?

Poster for the Japanese "Peacock" cigarettes (1902)

(But why didn't they choose a peacock? Or: why did they choose a Pegasus?)

3 σχόλια:

Ανώνυμος είπε...

sumanje from Malaysia visit your blog...nice info about your country..
sumanje keep your link in my blog list..

Elysse είπε...

There is actually an Pegasus-like creature (a horse-dragon) creature in Asian mythology, but I can't quite recall the name right now. There is also a mythical creature that is very similar to the unicorn, the Kirin.

Vassiliki Pliatsika είπε...


Thank you for commenting. Indeed there is the Chinese Longma and the Japanese Kirin, but in this case I think we are safe to indentify a Greek Pegasus.