Converse All Star shoes hand-painted with red-figure scenes.
The story
I stumbled upon this magnificent and unique pair of shoes on an eternallycool.net post. This post tells the story of the shoes much better than I could and instead of copying information I refer you directly THERE.
I should stress that the original uploading of the photographs on Flickr was by jere7my whose mother was the creator of this unique pair of "Chucks", who hand-painted them for Jeremy's wife.
More photographs in Jeremy's photostream HERE
Here I only make some brief notes on the iconography of the four sides of the shoes, identifying three of the depicted scenes.
Left shoe -
Out: Odysseus tied on the mast of a ship with his sailors and a Siren plunging from her rock

Attic red-figure stamnos by the Painter of the Siren (480-470 B.C.)
In: Apollo resting on a rock playing the lyre accompanied by a panther.
(could not identify precise source)
Right shoe -
Right shoe -
Out: Hercules attempting to capture Cerberus in Hades with Athena overlooking at the left.

Attic bilingual amphora by the Andocides painter (520-510 B.C.)
In: Ajax or Achilles playing dice
In: Ajax or Achilles playing dice

Attic biblingual amphora by the Andocides painter (520-510 B.C.)
2 σχόλια:
Προς θεού, θα πάθουμε κανένα εγκεφαλικό, μα που πας και τα ξετρυπώνεις αυτά??!!
Δεν έχει συλληφθεί από την αστυνομία της Αισθητικής ακόμη αυτός που τα σχεδίασε?!!
Ενώ για τη μπάρμπι-Αθήνα, είδες, δε λέω τίποτε. Είναι ΚΑΙ κουκλάρα ΚΑΙ διανοούμενη!
Ούτε κι εγώ ξέρω καλά-καλά πώς μου έρχονται μπροστά μου κάτι τέτοια. Συνήθως για κάτι άλλο ψάχνω και ισχύει φαίνεται το ευαγγελικό "ο αιτών λαμβάνει και ο ζητών ευρίσκει".
Η αλήθεια είναι ότι τα εν λόγω υποδήματα δεν θα τα φόραγα ούτε εγώ (και επίσης μου άρεσε η Barbie Athena, αλλά παραείναι ακριβή, μα την Αθηνά!)
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